Terms of Use Relating to website www.inovagen.hr
The website www.inovagen.hr is owned by the company InovaGen Molecular Pathology and Cytology Laboratory Ltd. (hereinafter: InovaGen laboratory). InovaGen laboratory regulates the use of the services and content provided by the website www.inovagen.hr by these Terms of Use (hereinafter: Terms of Use). The use of the InovaGen Internet shop and all associated web pages and services that belong to the domain www.inovagen.hr (hereinafter: Domain) deems that users are familiar with these Terms of Use at all times, and that users fully understand and accept them.
When accessing and/or using the domain www.inovagen.hr and all associated subdomains and related content (e.g. photographs, audiovisual works, sound, text, graphics, illustrations and data), applications, software and services that are provided by Domain regardless of the manner of use, the user expressly agrees, without any restriction or reservation, to the use of Domain in accordance with these Terms of Use, where regulating of all legal relations arising or resulting from the use of Domain is carried out in accordance with these Terms of Use.
Users are required to regularly refer to the Terms of Use and it is deemed that users who are using Domain or any portion thereof, are familiar with the actual Terms of Use at all times and that they have understood and accepted them in full. Users themselves are responsible for the consequences of not acting in accordance with this provision of the Terms of Use.
InovaGen laboratory reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice and will not be held responsible for any consequences arising from such changes. These changes come into force when published on this website.
InovaGen laboratory reserves the right to terminate such changes (offers) to the content as well as all services and subpages that are part of Domain at any time without prior notice and will not be held responsible for any consequences arising from such changes. These changes come into force when published on this website.
InovaGen laboratory reserves the right to change, restrict or terminate the provision of the Domain service at any time without prior notice, including partially or completely restricting access to Domain and the provision of certain services in case of violation of these Terms of Use.
InovaGen laboratory is not liable for any form of damage in any way arising from, or in any way connected with the use Domain, nor for any damage that may arise to the user/visitor or any third party in connection with use or misuse of the contents of Domain.
In using the contents Domain, the user accepts all risks arising from such use.
All content that appears or is found in/on Domain, including but not limited to published text, graphics, illustrations, photographs, audiovisual works, sound, documents, data and information may not be reproduced, distributed or used in any manner that is contrary to these Terms of Use.
The content, visual identity, application and software of Domain are protected in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, the Trademarks Act and the Criminal Code.
In particular, it is expressly prohibited to modify, publish, transfer, sell, display, adapt, copy or in any way exploit the content, visual identity, application and software of Domain, except in special cases when such possibilities are provided by these Terms of Use or are the result of previous approval from InovaGen laboratory.
Domain serves are forbidden to be used for commercial purposes in any manner and or used in any way that is contrary to these Terms of Use. The storage or copying of content for any purpose and in any way, and any manner of use that is contrary to these Terms of Use is expressly prohibited.
In the event of unauthorized and unpermitted and/or illegal use of any content (text, photographs, applications, software, audiovisual works) of Domain, InovaGen laboratory reserves the right to claim compensation for entire damages, and the right to initiate civil and criminal proceedings before the competent courts against the legal and/or natural person who has used Domain in the described manner.
Permission for using the services of Domain is granted to adults. Use of Domain by children is allowed only under the supervision of parents and/or guardians who are obliged to take into account such use, otherwise they assume all the rights and obligations arising from such use, and InovaGen laboratory shall not be held responsible for any consequences of such use.
It is forbidden to use the website and its content for any purpose that is not related to doing business with Domain, and which in any way does not conform to these Terms of Use.
Users represent and warrant that they will use this site in accordance with these Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations, including, without limitation, all those relating to the Internet, e-mail (e-mail messages), data and privacy.
Users represent and warrant that they will use downloaded content only in a manner conforming to these Terms of Use, otherwise such use will be considered as impermissible, in which case InovaGen laboratory will be entitled to claim damages from the user and retain the right to restrict wholly or partially the provision of services.
Registration or the creation of a user account is performed only for one natural or legal person. By registering for Domain services, the user receives account information – username and password. The user account is not transferable to another person. The user account of legal persons may be used only by the authorised person stated as such during the registration.
It is expressly forbidden to use someone else’s data and falsely represent oneself under the name of another legal or natural person.
It is expressly forbidden to disclose information on registration or a user account to third parties.
Is expressly prohibited to use another person’s registration or user account.
It is expressly prohibited, in any way, to use Domain for sending or encouraging the dissemination of unwanted electronic communications (i.e. spamming).
Should the provisions of the Terms of Use in this chapter be breached, InovaGen laboratory reserves the right, at its own discretion, to refuse registration or terminate the user account, without the obligation of compensating for any cost or damage.
Users are required to select their designation or name during the process of registration or creating a user account, under which they will receive their services and also select a security password, submit a valid e-mail address and all required information. All data required for registering or creating an account must be complete and true. Upon completing registration, the user accepts these Terms of Use and is responsible for all activities arising from the use of the content and services of Domain.
Users are obliged to retain the details of their security password and account, and are fully responsible for all damage caused by unauthorized use of their account.
If users use Domain as an unregistered user, they are responsible that all data used for concluding the Sales Contract be true and they accept all the aforementioned conditions.